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Pictures from the aquarium by J.M. from Hambergen

I really like your fertilizer. I have been using it for about 4 weeks and have sent you 2 pictures...

Author: Dr. Andreas Kremser

The Java fern comes with about 10 new leaves at the same time... the old leaves can still be seen on the left... The other large plant is now coming with juicy red/green leaves... it's hard to believe... this plant grows about 1 leaf per day... so what's just coming out now will be fully developed tomorrow morning. Fertilization is now 20 ml/100 liters (greedy beasts) with absolutely no algae growth, as can be seen on the leaves.

Now, 4 months after installation, I only have mutants in the tank. The one picture appears to be an Echinodorus osiris. 60 cm high and about 70 cm wide at the moment. The other is a Java fern about 60 cm deep, 70 cm wide and about 50 cm high. These used to be small plants 4 months ago. In one picture you can still see the underwater lamb's lettuceon the right(Samolus valerandi). The newest leaves are also very large and long.

Tank 560 l
Lighting 4 × 58 Watt Trocal-Plant (Dennerle)
Filter Hamburg mat filter in separate filter tank
GH 3 °dH
KH 3 °dH
Conductance ~ 100 µS
Fe 0.15 mg/l
Nitrite / nitrate below the detection limit
pH 6,7
Fertilization 20 ml / 100 l water Ferrdrakon in combination with other product

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